FrienDish Ep. 10: Friendtypes

On today’s show the Gals talk about their experiences with the friendzone. Also, Kaitlin and Derek saw each other at Lewiston Brewfest. Do you have experience with being put in the friendzone? OR have you placed someone there? Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the Time Spent Poorly youtube for your fix of food and friendship.

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Basement Boyz II: Ep – 60 – Something Something Child Stars Something

With Derek out this week, Edwardo helms the ship with the help of brothers Rick and Chris Huddleston to discuss many of favorite child stars from our day. We do some of that, but mostly other things, and that's okay. We go down many rabbit holes, watching some trailers and clips along the way. It is quite the joyous occasion of random nostalgia that can only be found on the Time Spent Poorly Network.

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