Movie Theater Demise!
Edwardo, @HuddsMagruder, and @realronwarner welcome @thewebpirate to talk about the pending demise of theatrical attendance, even in a post #Covid world.
Edwardo, @HuddsMagruder, and @realronwarner welcome @thewebpirate to talk about the pending demise of theatrical attendance, even in a post #Covid world.
Brother Ron joins Edwardo, Derek, and Hudds. Edwardo's Hella Mega Tour date is back on. Scientology is dumb. The new NHL Seattle Kraken has merchandise! Edwardo is jumping on board. How much would it take for you to take a punch from Mike Tyson. We talk a little sports and look into Oliver Platt and Stanley Tucci's career trajectories after their roles in the 1992 movie "Beethoven." Then there's some DC and Marvel talk as well.