11 – Macaullay Culkin’s Asian Babies

@HuddsMagruder, @TheRealRonWarner, and Edwardo @Brunosmind to the show to talk about famous celebrity kids and their career potential. Are they destined to live in the shadow of their more famous parent, will they or have they eclipsed their parent, or will they have a career that is on par with their famous parent or parents?

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For the first "No Notes" show of 2021, Edwardo and Hudds welcome the Beard back for another round of commentary that centers largely around Wheel of Fortune (WOF) host Pat Sajak and a handful of long pauses. This is the best episode note Edwardo could come up with on short notice. Basically people are trying to cancel Pat Sajak via twitter and we have things to say about it.

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5 – Naked Money

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The Beard triumphantly returns to join Edwardo, Hudds and Brother Ron to talk about the almighty Tom Brady and Super Bowl LV. But first, are ring cameras our downfall? The guys discuss all this and much more!

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4 – Executive Orders

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Edwardo and Hudds are here to talk about Presidential executive orders and whether or not they mean anything, but first we talk about how being a landlord sucks. We also talk about the political divide in general, and mask mandates on a local level. When are things going to get back to normal? The guys discuss all this and much more!

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