About This Episode: MCU Suicide Squad
Edwardo, Ron, and Hudds are back, this time to talk a little MCU, the new Suicide squad, adding a human intelligence gene into monkeys, and killer chimps pack killing gorillas. Plus, Edwardo’s wife the Karen visits the genius bar. Also on the docket, Hollywood versus content fans and the Val Kilmer documentary. All this and much more!
About This Show!
The Time Spent Poorly Show! is a pop culture comedy podcast with hosts Edwardo, Hudds, and Brother Ron, with regular guests on the Time Spent Poorly Network and based out of the Pacific Northwest. The hosts discuss a variety of topics that include television, movies, video games, conspiracies, and more. You can follow the hosts on twitter @TSPNMedia, @RealRonWarner, and @HuddsMagruder. Like our Facebook Page and follow us on Instagram. You can also subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and Stitcher. Please be so kind to write a review and rate the show on iTunes and Spotify. The more ratings this show receives, the greater the potential for increased exposure to new listeners. Links tied to bonus audio below.
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In Addition to The Time Spent Poorly Show! clips of the audio episodes can be found on YouTube. Edwardo also hosts “A Beer with Edwardo” on YouTube, a series where a beer is drank whilst Edwardo gimmicks the hell out of the video.
“Volatile Reaction” intro and “Surf Shimmy” outro by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 4.0 License
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